we had lots of fun, saw plenty of fantastic places, etc. all this short vacation was conducted by our former group mate kristi and her husband aivar. we visited several nice manors (saka, kalvi, purtse, mäetaguse), did lots of climbing ...
Üritusel esinevad Tartu linnapea Urmas Kruuse, Tartu maavanem Esta Tamm, abilinnapea Vladimir Šokman, Riigikogu sotsiaalkomisjoni liige Helju Pikhof, oma tegevusest annavad ülevaate L?una-Eesti Pimedate Ühing ja Tartu Autismiühing. ...
We had lots of fun, saw plenty of fantastic places, etc. All this short vacation was conducted by our former group mate Kristi and her husband Aivar. We visited several nice manors (Saka, Kalvi, Purtse, Mäetaguse), did lots of climbing ...